Jeffrey Kishner is a psychotherapist in private practice in New York. He has psychology degrees from California Institute of Integral Studies, University of California Santa Cruz, and Cornell University.
He is the founder of Sasstrology -- a popular blog about the astrology of sex, love and relationships -- which he sold in 2022. He is also a former astrological consultant and writer who -- in addition to writing many blog posts for Sasstrology and other online publications like Tarot.com, AOL Horoscopes and StarIQ -- has been published in print in The Mountain Astrologer and Dell Horoscope. He has also co-edited a self-published book, The Astrology of Film: The Interface of Movies, Myth, and Archetype.
Jeffrey worked as web producer in digital media from 2006-2018 at numerous websites, notably Tarot.com and Martha Stewart Living.
In his spare time, he likes to engage in the 5Rhythms moving meditation practice and to play piano.
jk at jeffreykishner dot com